Saturday, June 15, 2013

Silent Souls (2010)

Silent Souls (2010)

Release Date: 3 November 2010
Genre: Drama
Played by: Yuliya Aug, Olga Dobrina, Larisa Domaskina

Story Summary Silent Souls (2010):

When Miron's beloved wife Tanya was dying, he asks his best friend Aist to help him say goodbye using Merya cultural rituals, Finno-Ugric tribe from Lake Nero ancient, a picturesque region in West-Central Russia. Although the Merya came to Russia in the 17th century, their myths and traditions live their descendants in modern life. The two men set out on a roadtrip thousands of miles across the boundless lands. With them, two small birds in cages. Along the way, as was the custom for Meryas, Miron share personal memories of conjugal life. But when they reached the edge of the sacred lake where they will be separated for ever, he realizes he's not the only one in love with Tanya.

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